Monday, May 18, 2009

I will not be Me without You

Although I love to grumble but I do realise all the good things that happened to me.
And all the good things/people that are around me.

I'll be studying (again) soon.
Something that everyone will ask why I want to study.
No doubt, my mum and my bro asked bout it too.
Although they did ask why is it so expensive to study there,
But they are pretty supportive.
My dad too, yea..
My brother agreed to be my guarantor, and help me return part of the loan.
Although in the end I decided not to get bank loan (due to other reasons).
My dad, totally don't know what the hell I'm studying.
Don't know bout my results or anything.
Told me that he'll help pay my fees.
He supports me in his way.
My mum, totally support me all the way!
I don't think she really understood what I've been studying for the past 3 years.
Only know I study computer stuff.
But she still support me to study what I want.
Even though she knows my results aren't the super good kind.
Just cause I told her its what I want.
And the local Unis all rejected me.
I told myself I will not bow down to circumstances that do not allow me to do the things I want.
But seriously, without my mum to support me I will still have to.
My stubbornness and pride.
I'm lucky aren't I?

You who saw this post have one responsibility.
If one day, I stray from my path.
If one day, I do things that let these people down.
Give me one tight slap in the face.

Yes, I am god damn worried about the path I'm gonna walk down.
But I can't be worrying about everything and stay at the same place forever.
(Psycho-s myself ><)

On a side note.
Something good happened.
Because of something that I did a little while before.
Because of something that accidentally happened a little little while before.
Whether is it god, or fate, or whatever you call/believe.
It was simple, amazing, and sweet. (=

I don't think it was wrong for me to miss you.
I don't think ist was wrong for me to wanna see you.
I don't think it was wrong for me to be nice to you.
There is nothing wrong with me falling in love with you.
I think.