Monday, August 31, 2009


There're so many things I wanna do:

- Dye my hair.
colour faded, hair grown
- Get a motorbike license.
for fun, but my mum's totally discouraging me
- Do my own blogskin.
rid some dust, there's a need to revise!
- Buy new stuff to wear.
clothes (the forever), jacket, slippers
- Go overseas on a holiday.
anywhere will do, its the company that matters xD

the never-ending wants..
I'm addicted to the chasing rather than winning

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

when you're not around

They say that no one in this world is indispensable.
If you're gone, someone else will replace you.
They will do the things you usually do.
The world will still continue making its rounds.
The sun rise and fall.
The rain still falls, water still flows.

But I will say that in this world, you're my one and only.
If you're gone, no one else will be able to replace you in my heart.
No one will be able to do the things you usually do for me.
My world will stop.
My sun never rise.
And the only thing left falling and flowing will be my tears.

Fluctuations of my mood.
Get used to it already ((=

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Everything's wrong!!



I totally lost myself today
Shan't go into the details
Else everyone will think I'm very bad.. Lol
I feel very bad though, very very bad
Adding to the amount of stress/urgency I'm feeling
This totally sucks..

Anyways, I'm planning for a change
First step will be to save money
Hopefully the first step will succeed
Else later steps will never happen..

Sorry doesn't mean anything even when you're feeling sorry
Oh fuck..

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Mum Song

Koped from Chii Hian blog
God dang funny!!
Made my stressed up and boring chiong-ing night abieet less stressful..
Lol ((=

Nope I cannot rewind
I can only reminisce

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Not at my Best

Oh shuddap..
I'm just jealous
Its the sin I commit the god damn most (>.x)

Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
Oh I believe in yesterday

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I heart.


Because someday, you might say yes.
And I don't want to miss it.
(Koped from Chii Hian xD)

Friday, August 14, 2009

What's the problem with you?

I have no idea.
The interface I'm typing in now is ridiculous.
Something's wrong with blogger.
Something's wrong with me too.
I have been contradicting with myself for so long,
I have no idea where I stand now.
Maybe I try too hard to make myself look good.
As in, character.
I'm good looking.

Thought I took the step to change.
Only to realise that what I've changed is only the surface,
Which is lacking in support from underneath.
Its breaking apart.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lousy Grades )=

(by loads of love from the pretty girl in photo)

Oh wells, despite the title, my week's been cool.
I'll open up the comment for uhh, people to comment..?
Its been 3 days since I last had a proper sleep.
And haven't been sleeping for the past 40 hours.
Bloody pimples' been popping out of my face here and there.

Life hasn't been this happy.
But maybe there are still things I cannot let go.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hello August


This is evidence showing that I have been studying.
My drawing suck so much that I amuse even myself.

Problems we're so used to,
we began to think there isn't any.